Fitness Singles Review - A Word of Warning (2024)

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Fitness Singles, based out of Buffalo, NY, has created quite the buzz over the past few years being featured on major shows like Good Morning America, The Today Show, and USA Today. Unfortunately, Healthy Framework has had some personal interaction with the company that we’d like to share as we feel it’s a warning that will probably leave businesses and potential customers rightfully alarmed.

Additionally, we’ll take a look at what other customers and users are saying, but here’s a sneak peak:

Fitness Singles Review - A Word of Warning (1)
Fitness Singles Review - A Word of Warning (2)

We’ll get into these more after we share our personal story.

And to be clear, no, we don’t like sharing these types of stories. But what we don’t like even more is the potential risk that may be out there for people considering partnering with or using this fitness-focused dating app. For that reason, we feel it’s necessary to share our story. Additionally, we’re going to highlight several of the Better Business Bureau complaints lodged against the company.

Buckle up, and let’s get into it.

Time-Sensitive Notice: If you feel you have been defrauded, scammed, or monetarily deceived by Fitness Singles, please send us an email at [emailprotected] with the subject line “ATTN: Legal – FS Case”.

Our Story and Other User Complaints

Seriously, buckle up if you haven’t. This is a story you’re going to want to hear.

Two years ago, we entered into an agreement with Fitness Singles. Specifically, we partnered with Christopher Mattioli, the CEO of Fitness Singles. Over the past two years, we sent thousands of people to Fitness Singles as we believed them to be a standup company and a nice place for singles looking for other people interested in working out.

Unfortunately, we’ve since learned that we were wrong. Fitness Singles has refused to make good on their agreement with Healthy Framework. In other words, it appears that the entire agreement is nothing more than a scam aimed at tricking bloggers into sending traffic to Fitness Singles with promises they never intended to honor.

What’s even scarier is that this fraudulent program is still listed as available on the company’s website and they’re still allowing people to sign up for it.

The company has sent zero payments to make good on the arrangement and has gone radio silent, refusing to respond to emails, even though they’re still actively spending money on Google Ads and Facebook Ads:

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Unfortunately, it does not appear to be just us having issues with Fitness Singles and Mr. Mattioli. According to the Better Business Bureau, there have been 16 official complaints filed since 2021 with the most recent coming less than two months ago. The complaints from users of the dating apps spelled stories of misleading and deceptive tactics, unauthorized charges, and absent customer support. We’re unable to verify these complaints as they were filed with the BBB and customer information is kept private, but based on our interactions with the company, they’re not surprising to us.

How does the company fare on other review platforms? Well, over 71 reviews on Trust Pilot, Fitness Singles has a rating of 1.2 stars and a label of “bad”. 97% of reviews gave the company a 1 star review and only two people gave it a two-star review, one of which blatantly calls the company a scam and the other that talks about fake accounts.

Here are some highlights:

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Fitness Singles Review - A Word of Warning (5)

Our Warning to Businesses, Bloggers, and Singles

Again, the previous complaints from Trustpilot and the BBB are claims we can’t personally substantiate. For that reason, those claims are not included in our warning we’re about to share.

If you are a business, a blogger, or a single looking to partner with or sign up for Fitness Singles, consider your options based on the story we’ve shared. Our team wants nothing more than to bring quality dating advice to singles across the country, so at least for us, it’s alarming when a company we believed to be a quality dating app decides to defraud our team. What you choose to do with that information is completely up to you.

Is Fitness Singles Worth It? – The Bottom Line Upfront


How Much Does Fitness Singles Cost?

As you can see from the rates below, Fitness Singles is much more cost-effective if you’re willing to commit.

Membership TypeMembership LengthMembership Cost
Premium1 Month$39.99
Premium3 Months$59.97 ($19.99/month)
Premium6 Months$79.98 ($13.33/month)
Premium1 Year$99.96 ($8.33/month)

If you join for a year, you can take advantage of the Perfect Fit Guarantee, which gives you an extra year free if you haven’t made your intended connections.

Top 7 Features Worth Noting

We wouldn’t consider Fitness Singles to be a feature-rich web-based service. It doesn’t even offer an Android or iPhone app. However, it’s a niche platform focusing on healthy living, so we can forgive the site for not being uber high tech.

You’ll find that the features break down into basic search and communication. There are filters that narrow prospects based on geography or passion. For example, if you’re looking for someone else who enjoys weight lifting, you can search for that, or if you just want to meet people in Chicago, you can focus on the region.

Then, you’ve got communication options where you can “show interest” for free. But emailing and instant messaging are reserved for premium members.

Establish a Profile

You won’t find anything too out of the ordinary about setting up a membership with Fitness Singles. It doesn’t matter if you intend to stick to a free trial or pay for a plan. There are some basic questions to answer, but some extend to the fitness-based premise of the dating site. You can also upload some profile pics reserved for premium members’ eyes only.

Show Interest

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The “Show Interest” feature is open to all members, including free users. It’s Fitness Singles’ way of breaking the ice. And, it only takes about a second, as there’s a prepared message that gets sent. One thing to note about this particular feature is that you can only use it once per member. So, if you’re really crushing on someone and they don’t respond, you can’t send another “interest” message. You’ll appreciate that limitation when someone is crushing on you, and you aren’t feeling it.

Narrow the Field

One of the features you’ll most likely use more than others is the filter. With members spread across the country, regional searches are essential – whether you’re focused on a love connection or a plutonic workout buddy. You can also input criteria to hone right in on the perfect people. So, if you’re passionate about white water rafting, you can find others who are as well.

Email Messaging

The email messaging system is a paid feature and an opportunity to share more. Communication is within the Fitness Singles community, so your personal email remains private. You can send an email regardless of if the recipient is online at the time or not, but it might take a bit to get a reply.

Instant Messages

Where email leaves off, instant messages pick up, as you can internally text another member of the Fitness Singles community if you see them online. As with emails, instant messaging is for paid users only.

The Top 25

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Another search feature specific to Fitness Singles is the Top 25. It’s a custom, one-click option that presents you with the 25 most active in the community. And, by active, we mean on the site and not at the gym – although that’s probably true, too!

Private Photo Galleries

Instead of everyone having access to your private pics, Fitness Singles hides them so you can show and tell when you want. Free members can’t see private photos.

How to Sign Up at Fitness Singles

Anyone can set up a profile, free or paid members. The question is: will it go live?

Signing up at is straightforward. You’ll answer some questions and upload a photo. However, new registrations go through a 24-hour review process. So, don’t try to be cute and use someone else’s picture or say you play pro football, as Madden NFL doesn’t count.

The whole thing will take you about five to ten minutes, though. Then, once you’re good to go, you can decide if you’re ready to go all-in with a premium plan.

Fitness Singles Review - A Word of Warning (2024)


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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Views: 6261

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (67 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.